2:39 AM Monday, April 4, 2011
hyukjae :)

혁재 오빠~ 생일축해요! 영원히 행복하게, 신의 은총이 있기를, 사랑해요 <3 :)

Happy Birthday Lee Hyuk Jae

You was born 25 years ago and your parents were smiling to see you for the first time, and now you have grown up and being everyone's Jewel boys :) Even we don't know each other, I'm glad to know you, as an idol who gives me an inspirations, and Lee Hyuk Jae himself who's being part of my life. Thanks for being a sun that shine my life when I feel worst, and being a moon that makes me calm when I'm not in a good mood.

and now I'm not wishing you to be more handsome because you're the definition of 'perfection' itself,

I'm not wishing you to get 'a things' because you already have everything you deserved,

and I'm not wishing you to be more popular because without you know, everyone in this world already known you as a Super Junior's Dancing Machine and ELF's Precious Jewel

I'm just wishing you to be healthy always, be happy forever, loved by many people and knowing that everyone loved you.

reload, numbskulls, reload.

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: HUZZAHH

a warm hug from the idiot.
warning, this is my personal blog.
I write what I think.
I do what I want.