11:39 PM Thursday, May 20, 2010
random BOO!
okay, I'm bored and decided to fill this random questionnaire. xD

1. Are you single: definitely yes.
2. Are you happy: OF COURSE
3. Are you bored: YES~ alealeale
4. Are you fair: maybe =\
5. Are you Italian: no, im indonesian~
6. Are you intelligent: err, maybe yes, maybe no XD
7. Are you honest: try my best.
8. Are you nice: it depends from your way to treat me ;D
9. Are you Irish: no~
10. Are you Asian: YES, and proud of it!

1. Full Name – Theresya
2. Nicknames – tere, ter, sya, shia2, teri terong, oned, karedok
3. Birth place – jakarta
4. Hair color – ... dark brown maybe? xD
5. Natural hair style – wavy~
6. Eye Color – dark brown
7. Birth Date – September 9th 1995
9. Favorite colors – White~
10. One place you’d like to visit – korea~ :D

1. Have you ever been in love – maybe o.O
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? – its crush. alealeale
3. Do you currently have a crush? – is an idol counted? if yes, then my answer : YES! XD
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? – *nods
5. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? – err, not sure about this one
6. Have you ever had your heart broken? – oleee~
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? – always
8. Are you afraid of commitment? – *nods
9. Who was the last person you hugged? – ipeh? XD
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? – isaaaaaaa

1. Love or lust – .... love
2. Hard liquor or beer – neither
3. Cats or dogs – dogs
4. A few best friends or any regular friends – A few best friends.
5. Creamy or Crunchy – Crunchy
6. Pencil or Pen – Pen
7. Wild night out or romantic night in – ugauga~
8. Money or Happiness – honestly. BOTH XD
9. Night or day – day.
10. IM or phone – i think... phone. ~

1. Been caught sneaking out – No
2. Seen a polar bear – No
3. Done something you regret – often *___*
4. Bungee jumped – i want!
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor – at home, 5 second rule! yes.
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker – not YET. XD
7. Been caught naked – No.
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – no =___=;;
9. Cried because you lost a pet – err.. no.
10. Wanted to disappear – always =\

1. Smile or eyes – eyes
2. Light or dark hair – dark
3. Hugs or kisses – hugs
4. Shorter or taller – taller
5. Intelligence or attraction – intelligence
6. Topman or Zara – topman
7. Funny or serious – depends~
8. Older or Younger – older
9. Outgoing or quiet – both are fine, but i prefer outgoing~ :D
10. Sweet or Bad – sweet

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – yes.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour – err. always! xDD *pokesipeh
3. Ever tried walking on your hands – =_____=;;
4. Ever been to a rock concert – nope
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team – nope
6. Ever been on a school play? – yes
7. Ever been on a sports team – yes
8. Ever been in a drama play/production – no
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? – i'm not barack obama's daughter. -A-
10. Ever been in a rap video? – no

1. Last phone call you made – eric.
2. Last person you hugged – isaa 8D
3. Last person you hung out with – ipeh, isa, ariel *wink
4. Last time you worked – never work before. u___u
5. Last person you talked to – daddy~
6. Last person you IM’d – isa!
7. Last person you texted – jeha.
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with – bro~
9. Last person/thing you missed – my stupid teddy bear, where are youu T___________T
10. Last website visited – sayeunhyuk. kkk~

reload, numbskulls, reload.

bio tag link misc

the idiot says: HUZZAHH

a warm hug from the idiot.
warning, this is my personal blog.
I write what I think.
I do what I want.